Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Starting Evony: The Coming of Lady Arabella

Rongyuen sent me a private message, well, twas more like an enticing advertisement to lure someone into playing another browser game in which i don't know from which corner of the Web he picked that one up... hahaha, just the businessman that he is. Anyways, i just thought, another crappy game in which i'd indulge myself into. But, what the heck, i'd lose nothing if i'd try, so why not take a peep of what he's blabbing about. But unlike what Rongyuen did, i did not click that hot blonde princess who was like seducing potential addict players to enter her kingdom and be lords and reign till you want. No, no... i was like this skeptical gal who had foreseen that this will be another crappy game with nothing much to do but build, attack, be attacked and restore. And with respect to Rongyuen's pleadings, i signed up.

Behold, i was brought forth to the outskirts of evony and up towards where my foresight could fathom, i see barren land. A servant whispered, "Milady, the land before thou sweet eyes is thy kingdom. Reign forever." Hahaha. Okay2x, no real servant would actually whisper that to you. It was just probably the voice in my head who was apalled by the mere sight of evony. The land was empty, quests need to be accomplished, friends to be invited, and resources to be gathered. And I thought, hmmm.....more work to do, better get going fast, i might have a chance to outdo Rongyuen and plunder him. Buwahahahaha! But, it was like a mini-challenge that i kept to myself, which of course, i did not have the chance to do so since i was devastated to find out that someone else took the first offensive step against him... grrrr, if Rongyuen did not befriend her, I would have attacked her already. Hehehe. And so, i busied myself fulfilling quests, expanding cottages, improving my town and protecting it. I reflected back, oooohh, this is not crappy, after all.

Thus, the commencement of another addictive gaming episode which i think would get me hooked up for sure.

Lady Arabella

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, fun game actually for aggressive players who wants to plunder the weaker ones... tsk tsk.. Please stop the violence guys or else i will plunder all your towns hehe.. See you in the game. I could really sense that this Lady Arabella got hooked on this game, totally.
