Sunday, September 27, 2009

our family just got bigger and happier

I apologize for the delayed recognition of our new members in Evony...
but they are all so dearly welcome.
Noobiez joined us, though I never have heard him talk at the alliance chat, I know he's out there somewhere. hahaha.
Then, Phoebe old-time High School friend, who got easily coaxed into playing the game and had her prestige surprisingly skyrocketing up high..
Merryll, Rongyuen's baby sister, whom I never have spoken to since the day she joined,
Grimric, our Swedish friend who got invited to the alliance after Rongyuen triggered his logs,
and a koolq8i who was invited by one of our mates.
There you go, our family just got even bigger...and crazier.
I can see more attempts at warring coming up, they've been heated to strike that sword on some proud guys at the opponent alliance.
Someone help me manage them.

_Lady Arabella_

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Honey,

    I admire your hardwork and industry not only as a nurse but a as real woman.
