Thursday, September 3, 2009

Evony and ivory live together in perfect harmony..

That song just keeps on playing in my head ever since i started playing evony. For those not familiar with it its a song by Paul Mccartney titled ebony and ivory. If you have played heroes of might and magic or civilizations, this game would be a very familiar setting for you to delve in.

I never thought that i would start playing evony since i hate installing games, its quite a hassle for me to download and wont be able to play it when i am outside, but these enticing ads of evony kept bothering me on almost every gaming site i visit so, what the heck i clicked the hot queen/princess/damsel in distress pic and i was routed to the evony site.

I was expecting a text based game where your units are only pictures embedded on a web page while the unit numbers are on the side of each picture, but instead i was greeted by a barren land ready to be built on and governed by me. The interface was friendly all the functions were tied up nicely, newbies to this kind of game won't be confused in navigating their way through the menus. See sample pic below

courtesy of

It's as simple as clicking a barren ground and a menu pops up on what you want to build, hover your mouse over what you want to build and instantly you get an update if your current resources are sufficient to build that structure, anything in red would mean that it is insufficient and you have to meet that requirement first before you can build it. Red stop Green go as simple as that.

Natural resources are evenly distributed for you to conquer or produce it yourself, although the mechanics are simple the game possibilities are endless. Strategies are not limited to just attacking you can scout ahead, amass your army or rally with your allies to crush a common foe.

Let me list down things that i like about this game.
  1. No installation required although it buffers for the first time
  2. Play anywhere as long as you have a decent internet connection
  3. Connection to your friends using allied chat no more waiting for downloading and installing messengers and configuring it for conferences
  4. 7 day protection for newbies from attacks wooot!, as long as you keep your townhall to lvl 4 until the 7 days are over, otherwise suffer the consequences haha.
  5. Everything moves on its own even if you log out, semi-autonomous because the army movement and building is still in your control but production wise its great. One night's sleep and the next day you have a mountain of resources to use again.
  6. It employs logical medieval fighting tactics too bad there are no boiling tars lmao
  7. Attack, Defend, Sell, Buy, Plunder, Build, Conquer so much to do so little time
  8. Ranks are updated instantaneously for your alliance and also your own personal ranking....for bragging
  9. Defeats are also recorded...hahaha no escape from embarassment
  10. Lastly.....its free unless you are the impatient type go buy coins! otherwise enjoy the game with your friends and go to to register NOW!
I hope to see guys ingame and you can also join alliances its an international server im sure you would be able to find people of the same nationality or the same interests and beliefs as you are.

server 59
city: slums
alliance: chzypuff

ill be updating this site with our experiences and also our views in the game and how to do things the right way since we have already done all the wrong things lol.....

later peeps.

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