Friday, September 25, 2009

The acquaintance of Evony in the Philippines

After my first alliance that for no reason dismissed me, I've was invited by chzypuff. Rongyuen invited me, even though he lost a lot of his army trying to attack me, being hit by lots of wood :). After a very short time I feel so welcome in this alliance it almost feels they are family. Well, they're really great and I think I'm gonna like it here. We've already had some lingual lessons. Since I'm from Sweden, we had some short lessons in Swedish words but they had a hard time finding the Swedish letters å, ä and ö. Maybe they'll get the hang of it ;-)
One thing I've learned from them, after about a month in Evony, is that I need to increase my forces... so I've prioritized my barracks 100% now. Hopefully I'll get enough of rose medals to be able to create NPC cities so Ron and I and anyone else in the neighborhood can expand faster...
See you all in Evony...


1 comment:

  1. We welcome you to the alliance, Grim...

    _Lady Arabella_
