he knows every attributes well,
he scrutinizes heroes inch per inch,
before he recruits them,
he tests every abilities they got.
he teaches them loyalty,
for it's the foundation of trust;
he searches for politicians
for a bounty produce it's a must.
he trains them to attack without fear,
to strike without mercy and with relentless strength,
to defend the beloved city from invaders,
and give honor to the land.
he gives wisdom and intelligence to the ignorant,
instill the understanding of the art of war,
the Hero Trainer of chzypuff is one of a kind,
no other coach could be better throughout the land.
Literature of Lady Arabella
host and founder
chzypuff *.*
Grats with winning the review competition. If you have time check out the two latest Evony videos on my website. It's the Evony strategy guide, latest videos are not really about strategy though, it's more about how Evony does business and one of them is pretty funny.