Saturday, December 19, 2009

parting words

evony time has come to an end...
to some of us.
gone were the days of farming for food,
spying for prospective enemies,
teasing in the alliance chat
and taunting on what we got in the daily roulette.
but the friendship doesn't end there,
for the game has been a tool to deepen our relationship
and experience fun in a new light.

we shall all miss each other:

lady arabella - the sweet, harmless, diplomatic host and founder
rongyuen - the barbaric, atrocious, abominable, send-them-all-troops hunter
iris28 - the spying, keen-eyed, hunger-for-power general
grimric - the diligent, hunger-for-power-next-to-iris28 Swedish friend
hoorn - the kind, humble, supportive knight
febbe - the most fearsome, untouchable, honorable, doesn't-want-to-be-an-officer member
scyons/vanicx/zenyrz - the multi-accounting, cheery, girl-who-loves-green presbyter
allestya - the ferocious, yet troop-refuging girl vacationer
lineus - the frail, resource-begging, inoffensive newest member

had fun with all of you guys,
have a happy holidays to you...and God speed.

_Lady Arabella_
chzypuff *.*

signing off

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Heroes of Chzypuff

Time flies by so fast and we are now a fast growing alliance, we started as mere barbaric towns and now we are governing high rise castles and conquering valleys. Some command a massive army of cavalries, others command hordes of archers, while some prefer to command a lot of resources. ^^

I am proud to introduce each significant contributor to the successful growth of our alliance, let us start with our gallant host and founder....

Notice the bloodshot eyes which crave for war, her blood is always boiling
curdling in hate towards our sworn enemies, notice that she handles a shield and a broadsword as weapons of choice, a gallant example of power in both defense and offense.
Worthy of the title host...

P.S. she only brings along the shield due to our constant nagging that the founder should
be protected and should be prepared to receive damage and not only to inflict it. Too bad
she always drops it after the trumpet is sounded and rushes off to quench the thirst of her blade.


Do you notice the resemblance? Yes she is the Royal adviser and loyal adviser of our Lady Arabella, No wonder her honor precedes her prestige, inspired by our host's bravery and
blood lust, she dons the same armor but wields two weapons to keep up with
the raw prowess of our host in the battlefield.

A force to be reckoned with, and commands a town with an exponential growth in military power.


Do not be fooled by the silly expression, many have fallen to her charms in the battlefield and among negotiations between alliances. A mere gaze at her bickering tongue is all it gets and your head shall fall to the ground with a thud, as she swings her mighty halberd effortlessly.

An upcoming military strategist and rival commander under the tutelage of our great general iris28, who harbors a secret affection for this warrior (which we always tease him about). But is afraid that he might get beheaded when he confesses his feelings for her so he'd rather not. ^^


Her arrows strike fast and true always hitting their mark may it be the hearts of the enemy or the string of a pouch of gold of a running thief, from 1 mile away. The beloved hoarder and provider of resources and all things green in the kingdom our ally Scyons.

Take everything else except her gold nothing sets her off than a loss of gold, even if it is just gold dust she will not let you go with your life if you take even a pinch of it from her kingdom without

"a gold stolen shall be the cost of 1 life".

P.S. her arrows are gold tipped so she always has squires to pick them up from the dead bodies t


Our mighty general with an eternal shout which hasn't ceased since we met, he can never utter anything else than a constant aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa again. over and over again.

He wasn't like this before and was a tactical general but now that he has amassed his army he no longer needs to plan all he does is to conquer conquer and conquer, due to his unquenchable thirst for victory take note only victory, he never suffered any losses.

He mistakenly invaded a forest of witches and cursed him with this eternal battle cry spell for he was so rowdy when he entered the forest with his men shouting like a jungle man that they thought that this should be a good lesson for him.

Nevertheless his shouting bolsters the morale and fighting of his army like a kodo drum does, a curse and also a gift this man is one you should wish never to face in the battlefield, for you will lose at a minimal your life.


A Swedish hero who joined our alliance, observe that he wears no armor he doesn't need to, why you ask? He is an armor breaker, a frightening blur in the battlefield with his fists as his weapon of choice he shatters every shield, sword or gates that hinder his path of destruction.

An ally to be depended upon who was a previous rival of rongyuen now a irreplaceable ally in the battle against our rival alliances.

P.S. he squashed 10,000 warriors of rongyuen by hitting logs of wood by his mere fists, the impact caused the formation to shatter along with their bones, good thing rongyuen was watching safely at his castle tower. ^^


The hawaiian barbarian king, this powerful ruler is known for his astonishing axe wielding skills.
He is the only wielder of "palakolnir", the mythical axe from hawaii smuggled from the philippines.

No one can pick up the axe but him, it shall weigh a million tons when somebody else shall attempt to wield it but will be as light as a cotton when hoorn lifts it.

An axe that never dulls and a heart soft and true to his beloved Lady Arabella the founder of our alliance, this strange couple is the foundation of our alliance and the forefront of future aggressions to other alliances...

May the gods help us once they start having children. We may never hear or see the word peace again.


RArrrr me angry me smash, ohhh shiny rock me get kill ruler!. This buffoon is the most barbaric and most uncivilized of all the heroes, he never ceases to build his defenses, he believes that the more thorns he has the less likely he is to be attacked.

Although when angered, he can never be stopped. Diplomacy will not work against him for he cannot read, he only knows three things, to fight , to build and to propagate.

Its a miracle that his empire is still holding up with a new castle on the way.....


There you have it the tribute to all the heroes of chzypuff. May we reach the no.1 position and prove to all that size does not MATTER.....

well in other occasions it does. lol.... hint hint. *.*

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Hero Trainer

he knows every attributes well,
he scrutinizes heroes inch per inch,
before he recruits them,
he tests every abilities they got.

he teaches them loyalty,
for it's the foundation of trust;
he searches for politicians
for a bounty produce it's a must.

he trains them to attack without fear,
to strike without mercy and with relentless strength,
to defend the beloved city from invaders,
and give honor to the land.

he gives wisdom and intelligence to the ignorant,
instill the understanding of the art of war,
the Hero Trainer of chzypuff is one of a kind,
no other coach could be better throughout the land.

Literature of Lady Arabella
host and founder
chzypuff *.*

The Royal Advisor

he is wise and devious,
witty and tricky,
he whispers evil plans
and plots deadly maneuvers.

he sings the lull of death,
deters a poisonous arrow,
he throws stones
to the ones who give bread.

he senses spies in the land,
tortures and questions them,
sniffs hypocrisy in every fib,
inflicts fear upon their vile hearts,

the Royal Advisor of chzypuff could not be fooled,
he is as stern as metal,
his austerity is known throughout the land,
bow down or thou shall perish.

Literature of Lady Arabella
host and founder
chzypuff *.*

The Great General

he's ferocious and abominable,
he's fearless and atrocious,
he's merciless and barbaric...
and you don't want to mess with him.

he monitors your every move,
a single breath signals that you're alive,
he knows where you're hiding,
and is always ready for the kill.

his weapons are glinting,
his mail is polished,
his wrath unabated,
he'll march to your death.

The Great General of chzypuff is unstoppable,
Thou shall bow down on his feet,
or else suffer inhumane punishment,
and thy blood be shed.

Literature of Lady Arabella
host and founder of chzypuff
Official Seal: *.*

top 100

Hear ye! Hear ye!
Here is a letter from the Royal Highness, Lady Arabella.

Greetings, lords and ladies!

Kudos to my alliance members who put their efforts in working hard to keep their towns prosperous, come up with bountiful resources to keep up with their growing troops' demands.
We have reached the top 100 ranking for the alliances even with just 13 members...
that is a feat to be worth commended for!
I could be never more grateful to have such hard-working, wise subjects to rule over.
May the gods grant us more rice, wood and minerals to last for a century,
and may our brave armies' prayers be heard right before they prepare to forsake their lives in the battlefield for the country's honor,
and may we be more successful in our endeavors towards being the top rank in the world of Evony.
Go forward, chzypuffs!

Letters from Lady Arabella
host and founder of chzypuff
Royal Seal: *.*

medal collector

My proud hero went plundering an abandoned city out of the Lady's orders.
He gallantly treaded along bushy paths with wild animals lurking,
climbed steep hills and dark valleys to reach the cursed city.
With only the stars guiding his path,
he bravely took the dangerous trek to bring food and resources to the hungry people.
But lo! He brought more than that.
He brought a Lion medal, symbol of his outstanding contribution to the nation,
his incomparable fearless demeanor against enemies and tyrants.
The Lady was impressed...and so she sent him to another mission of the same sort.
And truly, Griffith did not frustrate his beloved Lady for another treasure was unearthed...this time, the Honor medal.
And on the third and final labor, he stood stalwart on his reputation and brought forth the Courage medal to show his stern belief in serving the country.
Though he only got good attack attributes and not much being an intel guy, despite rumors of only research men bring forth medals, he proved them wrong.
I commend my medal collector for a splendid job in just a night.

Letters from Lady Arabella